Information Hub
Helpful resources to support you being an employer of a PA, having a self-employed PA or working as a PA.
Being the Boss training from Skills for Care starting September 2024
Workshops for Individual Employers and those receiving Direct Payments
A series of FREE online sessions on Zoom delivered by Iggy Patel and Anne Pridmore, supported by Bringing Us Together and Adult Social Care Warriors.
- Understanding how the law works and using the Care Act for maximising your budget – Thursday 26th September 2024, 00pm to 3.00pm
- PA recruitment, interviews, contracts – Wednesday 30th October 2024, 1.00pm to 3.00pm
- Care planning for main carer/Guardian when they can no longer provide care – Thursday 28th November 2024, 1.00pm to 3.00pm
- Personal Health Budgets – Wednesday 29th January 2025, 00pm to 3.00pm
- Better working with the local authority – building confidence for meetings and reviews (the ‘care net’) – Wednesday 26th February 2025, 1.00pm to 3.00pm
- Staying Well Whilst Being the Boss – Wednesday 26th March 2025, 1.00pm to 3.00pm
Funded by Skills for Care, our bespoke workshops are designed to provide you with the information, knowledge and confidence to be the best boss whilst taking away some of the burden we all feel.
We will be sharing tips and ideas on looking after yourself whilst being the boss and managing PAs. Workshops are delivered by an experienced team of trainers who are all employers of Direct Payments and active in the world of independent living. We provide a safe place for you to share experiences, learn with others and find solutions. All workshops are recorded for those unable to make the dates. 2023.
All workshops are recorded for those unable to make the dates.
For further information and booking email: [email protected] .
Further information about this course:
- Training will be delivered on line on zoom
- You will have access to helpful templates and resources
- Training will be inclusive and accessible for all
- All attendees will receive a survey to complete before the end of the session
- Each session will be recorded
- Recordings will be sent out to everyone who has signed up
- Those who have not been able to attend or want to do the learning in their own time, will receive a separate email with learning outcomes and survey to complete.
- All learners will receive a certificate upon completion
What is a PA?
A PA is someone who supports someone else to live the life they want to live. They are usually employed by the person but can be self-employed and can be involved in supporting many aspects of that person’s life.
There are videos hosted by Skills for Care to give an idea of what it’s like being a personal assistant please see video below or Working as a PA-Skillsforcare
Key Resources
Shropshire Council Direct Payments website
Information and guidance about being an employer.
Information and guidance about being a personal assistant, both employed and self-employed.
Email: [email protected]
Skills For Care
Skills for Care offer a range of resources making your role as an employer or PA easier to understand and to help support you with training and development.
Telephone: 0113 245 1716
Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm
For information about training for PAs and Employers see section on Training
Useful Websites
Advisory, Conciliation & Arbitration Service (ACAS)
ACAS provides free and impartial information and advice to employers and employees on all aspects of workplace relations and employment law.
Telephone: 0300 123 1100
Text Relay: 18001 0300 123 1100
Age UK Shropshire Telford & Wrekin
Age UK Shropshire is a local, independent charity committed to helping older people in Shropshire to feel supported, engaged and above all love later life. They offer free expert advice, help-in-the-home services and befriending support and activities.
Phone number: 01743 233 123
Email: [email protected]
Open: Monday – Friday, 10.00am – 4.00pm. Telephone assistance is available Monday – Friday, 9.00am – 4.30pm.
Adult Safeguarding
Adult Safeguarding in Shropshire
Safeguarding means protecting an adult’s right to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect. Abuse can be in different forms.
If you have concerns about an Adult experiencing abuse, please get in contact.
In an emergency dial 999, but for other calls to the police please ring 101.
To report a safeguarding concern by phone ring our First Point of Contact team on 0345 678 9044 Monday to Thursday, 9am to 5pm, and Friday 9am to 4pm.
If you have urgent adult safeguarding concerns outside of these hours, please phone the Emergency Social Work Duty Team on 0345 678 9040.
Taking Part
Taking Part Is an independent service for people with health and social care needs in Shropshire. They offer advocacy, advice, social groups and easy read information
Phone number: 01743 363300
Email: [email protected]
A4U is a registered charity and Disabled Persons Led Organisation providing support to empower people with disabilities of all ages, their families and carers within Shropshire. They offer an advice service and run an Autism Hub.
Phone number: 01743 539201
Email: [email protected]
Parent and Carer Council (PACC)
PACC supports and empowers Shropshire parents and carers of children with a disability or additional need (up to age of 25), to enable them to be actively involved in the design and delivery of the services that they use.
Phone number: 07398120311
Email: [email protected]
GOV.UK offers lots of information including guidance on ensuring someone has the right to work in the UK, the law around working hours, holiday and sick pay for staff, the minimum wage, record keeping, grievance policies and procedures and a handy holiday entitlement calculator.
Health & Safety Executive (HSE)
HSE provides templates of risk assessments to protect the health and safety of PA’s working in your home and the community.
The Pensions Regulator
Information for employers about work-based pension schemes for your employees and automatic enrolment.
Telephone: 0345 600 1011
Email: [email protected]
Post: The Pensions Regulator, PO Box 16314, Birmingham, B23 3JP
You’re The Boss
Website and company that when you pay to become a member they give advice and support around being a self-employed PA
You’re the Boss – Care and Support Made Simple | Home (
National Association of Care and Support Workers
The National Association of Care and Support Workers is a care workers’ organisation that includes both employed and self-employed PAs as members. It offers advice and support regarding legal advice, discounted DBSs, counselling, eLearning etc if you sign up and pay a membership fee
The Care Workers’ Charity
The Care Workers’ Charity specifically supports care workers, including PAs.