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Shropshire Council provide funding for training for employed PAs and individual employers. So, this training is free.

Careskills Academy

Careskills Academy logo

Shropshire PA Noticeboard is able to offer free access for a limited number of employed PAs to Careskills Academy. Careskills Academy offer an e-learning programme covering a wide range of knowledge and skills relevant to working as a personal assistant. The courses include courses such as autism, dementia, continence care, safeguarding and much more.

If you are currently employed as a PA supporting someone in Shropshire or you are an employer with PAs and are interested in accessing free e-learning please contact for further information.

For Employers

If you are an employer and/or a person who receives a direct payment from Shropshire Adult Social Care then you can receive funding for training courses relevant to your employer role and for your employed PAs to support you more effectively.

Your home employment/public liability insurance policy that you will have in place may provide some free online employers training, please get in contact with them.

For Personal Assistants

If you are working as an employed PA, your employer can help to arrange and pay for suitable face to face or online training.

If you are a self-employed PA then you are responsible for paying for any training you are required to or wish to attend.

For further information see Training | Shropshire Council