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Shropshire Council can provide funding or help obtain funding from Skills for Care for training for employed PAs and individual employers. Some training costs via Skills for Care can be obtained for self-employed PAs

If you are currently employed as a PA supporting someone in Shropshire or you are an employer with PAs and are interested in accessing free e-learning please look through training courses/info below please apply and/or contact [email protected] for further information. If any courses are not free please get in touch.


PA and Employer Training

Skills for Care offer funding to pay towards PAs training costs and cover while doing the training. Now available both for employed and self-employed PAs as long as they evidence their self-employed status.

Please look for training courses for yourself as an employer Employing a PA | Shropshire Council or for your PA Training | Shropshire Council as well as online courses that skills for care are involved with such as PA Training Courses – Kcil

This is the link for employers to apply for any costs/funding on behalf of personal assistants for their training. If any support is needed with the application contact [email protected]

Other Online Training coming up

Online Personal Assistant Training Tickets, Thu 13 Feb 2025 at 10:00 | Eventbrite

If you have ever wondered how Personal Assistants are different from more traditional care, this course will explain everything.

Angie Stewart has employed Personal Assistants for the last 26 years. She will share her experiences and talk about every aspect of the job. You will learn why disabled people fought to be able to have a Direct Payment so they could employ their own Personal Assistants and the difference this makes to people’s lives.

Including the topics of equality, diversity, and confidentiality, you will have a jam packed day.

Understanding the Role of a PA – Online Session Tickets | TryBooking United Kingdom – 4th March 2025

  • Boundaries and expectations of the employer and employee relationship
  • Employer and employee responsibilities and legal requirements
  • Skills development, what is available locally?
  • Record keeping

Kcil (Kingston Centre for Independent Living) have links to a lot of relevant training, including the following.

Friday 21st February, 9:30am – 12:30pm

Tuesday 18th March, 10am – 1pm

Monday, August 11, 2025 · 10am – 12pm

See our Shropshire Direct Payment website for more information on training.

For Employers

If you are an employer and/or a person who receives a direct payment from Shropshire Adult Social Care then you can receive funding for training courses relevant to your employer role and for your employed PAs to support you more effectively. Please also see here about training courses for employer Employing a PA | Shropshire Council

Your home employment/public liability insurance policy that you will have in place may provide some free online employers training, please get in contact with them.

The Shropshire Direct Payment Team run regular drop in sessions for employers for queries please email us for next session/invite on [email protected]

For Personal Assistants

If you are working as an employed PA, your employer can help to arrange and pay for suitable face to face or online training.

If you are a self-employed PA then you may be responsible for paying for any training you are required to or wish to attend. Your customer however may be able to apply for some funding via skills for care (see above)

For further information see Training | Shropshire Council